Manav Madan Rawal

I am a Graduate Student (M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics) at the University of Glasgow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. I have a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry from St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore, India. My Research Interests lie in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Computational Complexity and Scientific Computing in general.

My Primary Research Interests lie in Quantum Field Theory, Group/Representation Theory and Gauge Theory. Apart from those, I am also interested in understanding the Mathematics of General Relativity, DeRham Theory of Electromagnetism, and AdS/CFT Correspondence.

My previous works have been focused on the intersection of Complexity Theory and Game Theory in Mathematics, developing new algorithms of reduced complexity. I have also worked to identify Geometric Techniques in Integral Calculus, by the help of which Integrals can be computed faster using principles of Geometry.

I am available for Research Internships in Physics - particularly High Energy Physics, Physics of Complex Systems and Cosmology. If a position is available, please feel free to contact me!

Manav Madan Rawal